Welcome to Wolf
We are Silver Sky Studio - a team attempting to make a full-length animated movie to the best of our ability. Wolf is a traditionally animated film that is currently in production.
The staff at Wolf are all volunteer. We strive to educate those interested in animation in the hopes that they will gain valuable experience in the field. Provided they can do the work asked of them at the required talent level, and can legally sign our contract, anyone can join the staff and work on the film.
It is also part of our mission to promote wolves in a more natural and positive light. Wolves have rarely been given a positive role in films, literature, and art, and we hope to have the opportunity to fill that gap.
Lastly, we want to keep traditional animation alive. Our goal for the animation style of this film is to go back to the 'roots' of American animation. We believe the heart of animation is in the story.
Please be aware that anyone contributing to Wolf, be it as an artist, voice talent, or any other contracted position is a volunteer. No one is paid; everyone is donating their time and talents to this project in addition to obligations to work, school and family. There are times we may go a while without updates, but we never stop working on the project completely. We never ask our staff to put Wolf before their family, work, or schooling. We are sensitive to our staff's time, and request that you consider their volunteer status when updates seem few and far between.